
The following enumerations are available globally.


  • Represents an error for a dematerialized sequence

    Consumers of publishers with a Failure of this type can opt-in to force unwrapping the error using the assertNoDematerializationFailure() operator

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    public enum DematerializationError<SourceError> : Error where SourceError : Error
    extension DematerializationError: DematerializationErrorConvertible
    extension DematerializationError: Equatable where SourceError: Equatable

Signal value definition

  • A materialized representation of a Publishers output.

    Upon a call to subscribe, a legal Publisher produces signals in strictly the following order:

    • Exactly one ‘subscription’ signal.
    • Followed by zero or more ‘input’ signals.
    • Terminated finally by a single ‘completion’ signal.
    See more



    @available(macOS 10.15, iOS 13.0, tvOS 13.0, watchOS 6.0, *)
    public enum Signal<Input, Failure> where Failure : Error
    extension Signal: SignalConvertible
    extension Signal: Equatable where Input: Equatable, Failure: Equatable